My Cats!

I got my first cats when I was 15, and I've been completely enamoured with them (and all cats) ever since. I wanted to be able to show them off here, because this is a place where I collect the things I love!

Technically our eldest! ???-2018
When we moved into our house he showed up, and the neighbors later told us he'd been abandoned by the previous owners. He was sadly outdoor-only, because he did not like the boys at all, but he lived for a very long time regardless.
He was over 10 years old when he passed, and he passed peacefully in his sleep.

Littermate of Prince. Born 2011, he's 12 now! He's immensely curious, and loves to be in the kitchen when someone is cooking. He also loves water (but not being in it).
We almost lost him after his littermate passed, due to the pining, but thankfully he lived through it ;-; When Vash showed up and adopted us, he was very happy, and they play all the time now.

Littermate of Spock! 2011-2022.
He was very funny, and attached to me at the hip (despite on paper being my sister's cat). He was also very jealous, and an attention hog. In spite of that he was absolutely lovely, and loved people.

Littermate of The Grey Lady, and Hades. Born 2012. The largest cat you've ever seen outside of the internet. He's absolutely massive, 37" from nose to end of tail.
Loves food, sleeps with his head leaning into the water bowl, enjoys being petted and is jealous but will also bite you a split second later.

Littermate of Zeus and The Grey Lady. Born 2012. Affectionately called "the Muppet" for his oogly-boogly eyes, he is fluffy, cuddly, and a bit of an asshole. As you do.

The Grey Lady
Littermate of Hades and Zeus. Born 2012. (For the record, we did not name them, and her name was far more diminutive before she gained this nickname. As it is, her name refers to the Welsh ghost story.)
Picky and temperamental, she rules the household with an iron fist. She doesn't like me too much because I'm very fidgety and loud, lmao.
*Important note: Zuzu is over a yard long, and she is the size of a nearly-year-old kitten. Same litter.

Vash the Stampede
Our youngest! Born 2022.
A few days before Spock's (and what would have been Prince's) birthday, I heard him meowing in distress outside my window. He'd climbed over 12ft into a tree, and being less than a year old, he couldn't get down. Eventually we had to buy a ladder (and return it lmao) to retrieve him. We left him outside overnight, because he was friendly to humans, so we presumed that he had a home and would return to it, but he ended up adopting us instead. He hung around outside the door for a night and a day before we took pity on him and brought him inside to quarantine him in the bathroom.
By the time we'd decided to adopt him, it was Spock's and Prince's birthday. It seemed an omen. Spock took well to him, as we had hoped; he wasn't alone anymore. Now they play frequently and Spock takes care of Vash, and Hades even enjoys playing with Vash.

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The Grey Lady
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Vash the Stampede